I took a photo, but it didnt really come out, the engine is in the corner by the wall in the third photo
Its looks its pretty good condition, by the looks of it, it has been rebuilt pretty recently, valve train looks good, lots of new silicone on the gaskets. New frost plugs etc.
I also took some time to take a couple of photos of where i am now. They arent the greatest, my phone it turns out takes terrible photos.
So the firewall is mostly stripped with the exception of the solid brake lines and the wiper motor, i left my spanners at home so had nothing to remove those tiny mounting bolts with :)
Its been wire brushed and oiled to stop the rust from getting any worse until i can clean it up properly and put something like POR15 on it. It looks much worse in this photo than it is.
The body tub is in pretty decent condition, surface rust all over the place, hence the rebuild.
The roof, and misc stuff i've taken off so far.
The other side of the box, the seats are under the sheet, my second spare gearbox (that came with the new engine) Couple of inlet manifolds, my sand blaster etc. Most of the small trim pieces are in the boxes all labelled and bagged up.